At last, something that can authentically be called an Earth -like planet.
GLIESE 581 C has got to be the WOW discovery of the century so far.
So what would be like to live there? We don't know anything about atmosphere composition, only that it might well have surface liquid water, it's about 5 times as massive as Earth and 1.5 times the radius. So, so questions.
I calculate surface gravity would be around 2.25g. Not nice to walk around in. In fact, after a few hours it would probably start to do damage to your vital organs. It would make take off very difficult - escape velocity higher, perhaps critically so
Effect on winged flight (granted, higher air pressure as well might counter gravity a little)? Would there be any birds?
Atmosphere - no hydrogen bleed off? Any other gasses that would be more plentiful in the atmosphere?
Plate tectonics - more or less? More, I'm gussing. That could make it even more inhospitable.
In a 13 day orbit, even around a red dwarf, would this bath the planet in extra radiation, much like Jupiter does to Io?
Many questions. If you have answers, let us know. I will make enquiries.
BBC Article